After spending two hours doing our Math/Science Project, I think most of the class has a better understanding of how to conduct a project. Overall, the process of the projects were excellent! The students worked well together, completed the assignment on time, and included all the six steps of the scientific method. If I could give a grade on effort it would be an (A+).
However, at the end of the project, I think that most students understood more about my expectations as a teacher and their performance as students. At the beginning of the lesson, groups were asked to blindly chose a question from my CLEAN coffee cup that would be the starting point for their survey. After looking at their question, the groups then set out to conduct their experiments without my assistance. Being their first real project, I found that these kids are good listeners and work well together. Of course, there were some little disagreements with how or what to do, but for the most part, the groups had a good final product.
With this final product, the students were able to view each others' work and evaluate themselves. In my opinion, this is probably the most important part of the lesson, because the students are able to reflect, see, and discuss whether or not their work is exemplary. After students had their five minute group debrief, most of them noticed things that they could improve. Many of them were able to see that their work lacked one of the six categories, could not be read at a distance, or lacked creativity or beauty. Each group now has a goal to work toward for their next project tomorrow. It will be interesting to see if they take these into account as they work tomorrow. last thing, I'm proud of the students for being honest about their teamwork. Everyone of them mentioned that their group had some difficulties about making decisions or working together. However, they were quick to admit their faults, seek a resolution, and pledge to do better the next time. I could not ask for a better way to end the project!